Parmigiano Reggiano "Red Cows Reggiana breed" 40 months

    Parmigiano Reggiano "Red Cows Reggiana breed" 40 months

    Tax included

    Parmigiano Reggiano from red cows in vacuum packaging

    aged 40 months

    The prices indicated are calculated in excess as the pieces may have different weights; in these cases a credit will be made for the excess paid.


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    Parmigiano Reggiano produced with milk from red Reggiana cows

    The milk of Red Cows has some qualitative characteristics that differentiate it from that of other bovine breeds.

    The Red, for example, produces a third less milk than the Friesian breed, but has a greater yield in cheesemaking.

    In particular, in the milk of Red Cows, there is a greater frequency of β casein, the fundamental protein in the process of transforming milk into cheese.

    Furthermore, thanks to its characteristic enzymes, the cheese is better suited to long maturation, with consequent better digestibility.

    The excellence of Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse is achieved by pursuing it at every moment of production, without compromise.

    Tradition joins innovation, with absolute respect for a process handed down over the centuries, in which the skill and passion of the cheesemaker become fundamental for the success of the cheese.

    The cornerstones of this tradition are:

    • the use of skimmed milk from the evening milking, which reduces the yield but increases the quality, creating the correct processing ratio between whole and skimmed milk;
    • manual tapping, i.e. the breaking of the curd done manually by the cheesemaker and not mechanically, which makes each wheel unique and gets the best out of every day's milk;
    • slow processing through longer cooking times which allows you to obtain a better curd;
    • salting in traditional surface tanks which allows the cheesemaker to follow the first days of life of the wheels moment by moment.

    These, together with many small daily details and secrets handed down through generations, allow the repetition of a miracle called Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse every day.

    The annual production of Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse is around 15,000 wheels, compared to around 3,200,000 wheels of traditional Parmigiano Reggiano.

    Each breeder, each head of cattle and each form is traced and controlled by ANABORARE (National Association of Reggiana Cattle Breeders), which supervises both production and the finished product before being placed on the market.

    The aim of the Red Cow Consortium is to preserve the Reggiana breed and to protect the tradition, culture and original values of Parmigiano Reggiano handed down for centuries.

    Behind every form of Vacche Rosse there is a project that involves an entire territory united to give the world the best of its centuries-old tradition. Inside a piece of Parmigiano Reggiano delle Vacche Rosse, millenary and eternal knowledge, traditions and values are contained.


    ::- natural supplement -::

    Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse, thanks to the particular characteristics of Razza Reggiana milk and the long maturation, is richer in essential amino acids, mineral salts and proteins.

    It is a privileged source of calcium and at the same time it is lactose-free. All this in a concentrate of highly digestible nutrients.

    For example, 50 grams of Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse 30 months has the same quantity of essential amino acids as a 200 gram steak, but unlike the latter it is digested in 30 minutes and not 3 hours.</p >

    Furthermore, thanks to the diet also based on green grass, Parmigiano Reggiano Vacche Rosse is naturally rich in beta-carotenes and flavocytes and is a fundamental source of CLA (linoleic acid conjugates), whose benefits have an immunomodulatory, anti-carcinogenic and promote lean body mass (muscle mass) to the detriment of fat mass.


    ::- unique flavor -::

    Parmigiano Reggiano delle Vacche Rosse is characterized by its strong straw-yellow color deriving from the use of green grass in the feeding of the cattle, with a more intense but never spicy flavour, tasty but sweet at the same time, a flavor that comes from the fusion of the 150 varieties of different herbs with which Razza Reggiana cattle are fed. We can describe its characteristics with the most varied sensorial adjectives, we like to define it simply as unique. Excellent to be enjoyed alone, in more or less daring combinations (from balsamic vinegar, to fruit, to jams or compotes) or as an ingredient to make our dishes special.


    Data sheet

    Warnings ::
    If there is a need for precise values, please contact Bio-Natural consultants.
    The actual values, relating to the product purchased, depend on the production batch and may be subject to significant variations.
    The information listed is taken from the product technical data sheets and is qualitative.
    Package ::
    Vacuum bag
    Quantity ::
    0,5 Kg
    0,25 Kg
    1 Kg
    Origin ::
    100% Italy
    Aging ::
    40 months
    Production Area ::
    Italy - Reggio Emilia
    Energy [KJ]
    Energy [Kcal] ::
    Proteins [g] ::
    Fatty [g] ::
    Saturated Fatty Acids [g] ::
    carbohydrates [g] ::
    Not Present
    Water [g]
    B1 Vitamin Thiamine [mg] ::
    B2 Vitamin - Riboflavin [mg] ::
    B5 Vitamin - Pantothenic acid [mg] ::
    PP or B3 Vitamin - Niacin (mg) ::
    B6 Vitamin - Pyridoxine [mg] ::
    Vitamin B8 - Biotin [µg] ::
    B12 Vitamin - Cobalamin [µg] ::
    J Vitamin - Choline [mg] ::
    A Vitamin - Retinol [µg] ::
    Salt [g] ::
    Calcium [mg] ::
    Phosphorus [mg] ::
    Magnesium [mg] ::
    Potassium [mg] ::
    Sodium [mg] ::
    Zinc [mg] ::
    Galactose [mg]
    Sulfur Dioxide ::
    Not present
    Lactose ::
    Gluten ::
    Walnuts (Common , cashew, hazelnuts, macadamia , almonds, Brazil, pecan, pistachio) and products thereof ::
    Present in the establishment
    Peanuts and products made from them ::
    Eggs and products made from them ::
    Milk and products made from them ::
    Fish and products made from them ::
    Sesame seeds and products made from them ::
    Celery vegetables and products made from them ::
    Mustard and products made from them ::
    Lupins and products made from them ::
    Crustaceans and products thereof ::
    Mollusk and products made from them ::

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