Natural stone whole ground made from highly selected Italian spelled grain grinding.
This flour is suitable for preparing bread, pizza, breadsticks, fresh and dry pasta, croissants, biscuits and any other use.
It is specified that this flour is devoid of added gluten and other enhancers.
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Among the various grains, the spelled is certainly one of the least common.
Its nutritional value is similar to that of wheat: it contains protein, fat, vitamins (A, C, group B) and phytic acid, minerals (calcium, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, selenium , Sodium), fibers. Because of its composition, it has antianemic properties, laxative, replenishing and refreshing. It is characterized by a marked antioxidant action (selenium and phytic acid hinder the formation of free radicals).
The fiber richness makes it useful in slimming diets, athletes for iron and calcium intake, and those who suffer from osteoporosis. From a botanical point of view belongs to the genus Triticum as wheat, it takes in fact the scientific name of T.monococcum, T.dicoccum, T.spelta.
It is distinguished from hard wheat and soft wheat because the pericarp, that is, the outer layer, adheres to the grain as in barley and oatmeal. Compared to soft wheat, it is a less demanding plant, since it is particularly suitable for relatively poor soils, withstands rigid climatic conditions, thus growing at elevated altitudes. It does not require disinfection, fertilization based on synthetic products and other plant protection treatments. After having undergone the decortication process, it can also be consumed in grains, for example, for rice.
The flour obtained with the spelled is excellent for any use and can also be replaced by that of soft wheat, is free from added gluten and other enhancers and is indicated for those who suffer from food intolerance or for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet .
Whole natural ground flour obtained from the cultivation of certified Italian Farro Spelta. Farrointegral flour is rich in taste and very fragrant for biscuits, breads, tarts and other low-leavening products.
It is specified that this flour is devoid of added gluten and other enhancers and is indicated for those suffering from food intolerances, particularly wheat, egg white, solanacea, milk and derivatives, beef, pork, polyphosphates.
The production techniques used are in compliance with the provisions of Reg. CEE 834/07 and 889/08 and subsequent modifications and additions (Biological Production / Organic Production).
MULINO MARINO FELICE S.N.C. (IT control number BIO 014 code 2128) is checked and certified by Q Certification S.R.L.
Cleaning processes, optical-infrared selection, milling, sieving of grain until flour sealing occur exclusively at the MULINO MARINO S.N.C.
Packaging is made in 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg bags, suitable for contact with V ° type foodstuffs.
The expiration date is about 12 months (Goods subject to natural weight loss).
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